The company's main specialization is high temperature ultrasonic technology and equipment for atomization of metal powders, including atomization of powders under the brand name "rePowder" and support of foundry processes. The company provides integrated technology solutions for the production of advanced materials and improvements to existing manufacturing processes.
safeEtch prototype
Automated support removal and finishing technology for metal Additive Manufacturing.
Metal-AM postprocessing is difficult and could account for over 50% of the final price. Manual labor needed for support removal is very often the most expensive part of 3D printing process.
The safeEtch allows user to automatically remove supports without mechanical treatment and polishes surface even in places inaccessible with classical tools. Technology is based on chemical reaction accelerated with high-intensity ultrasonics.
SafeEtch is protected by a patent and 2 patent applications.
The 4 safeEtch design principles
Safety design Internal filters connected to reaction chamber ensure that all dangerous gasseous byproducts, including NOx are neutralized. During device design, ease of use and user safety were no. 1 priorities. |
Support design All concerns regarding tradeoffs between support stiffnes and ease for removal are in the past. Process of optimum support design is automated with dedicated software. |
Ultrasonic agitation High intensity ultrasonics ensure constant flow of the etchant in internal features and enables removal of solid or gaseous byproducts. Ultrasonic cavitation prevents localized corrosion and provides high uniformity. |
Etching solution Chemicals are designed to provide fast reaction to dissolute supports within minutes and without any pitting risk. No organic solvents are used and etching solution is neutralized right after the process. |